art is passion, but sometimes, I get bored of it.


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Fumisuke's News

Posted by Fumisuke - January 29th, 2021

A/N: [Before reading! The title in Japanese is not a good translation(I don't speak Japanese nor, I understand it. I used google translate because I wanted a different title. Also, this is my first time writing a story on Newgrounds! So I hoped you enjoyed this story I made! :D]

[Chapter 1]

A village near the mountains of Sakiyama, when spring comes the flowers on Sakiyama will bloom pink, flower petals, I dreamed of that one day, I wanted to see those pink flower petals blooming in the beautiful spring. But, why does it have to hurt? No, not physically, but mentally. It hurts so bad, to the point that I have a demon in me. People are afraid of me, why, why? All I wanted to see were those pink, flowers blooming on the mountain of Sakiyama. I just want to cry out of my eye-sockets.

しょねん でもん つき(With a sword / Shonen Demon Tsuki)

"Welp, that is done for the day! Right, Oka-san! (A/N: Oka-san means mother)

"Yes indeed, sweet-heart. It seems that you are busy, selling all of those flowers?" Oka-san asked.

"Oh! Those flowers, yeah, they have been paying me small." I replied to Oka-san.

"Still not that much." Oka-san sighed in disappointment.

"Sorry, Oka-san...I-" I sighed in shame, I felt ashamed not getting that much yen for Oka-san. I bowed down to Oka-san as an apology, for not getting much.

"No, no sweet-heart, it is alright, there is nothing to apologize for. After all, you have been working so hard to provide for us. I want you to take a break from working at the flower field and spend some time with Masuru and Sachiko." Oka-san persisted and I agreed. Whenever I come home, it always made me feel happy around her when Otou-san (A/N: Still, I am not sure if it is translated for Father) died, it gave me sadness and grief along with the family. But as long as I have Oka-san, Masuru, and Sachiko. They always gave me a soft smile and joy when I saw them. As I went inside the Minka (A/N: A traditional Japanese house.) I saw both little brother and sister, playing around running around into a circle playing tag with each other. Oka-san slides the door shut behind me. The rice that she was cooking was ready as well as always when I came home.

"The rice is ready, will please tell them dinner will be ready at the table?" She asked. I nodded to her as she walked to the kitchen stove to get the rice prepared for dinner, As I tried to set the dinner table, neatly as possible, and try to tell Sachiko and Masuru to be seated at the table.

"Sachiko! Masuru!" As I called their names, they stopped playing around and looked at me while giggling.

"Dinner will be ready! Come sit at the table with me."

"Okay!" Both Sachiko and Masuru sprinted towards the table and sit next to me, while seconds later, Oka-san came in with a huge bowl of rice along with four-bowls for each of us, as Oka-san came towards the table, she puts the huge bowl of rice down and gave us one bowl for the each of us, along with some chopsticks that she stored into her sleeves in part of her kimono. While that was done, we all grabbed our chopsticks and started eating the white-rice.

"So Onii-chan, how is it like to water and deliver the flowers?" Masuru asked.

"Yeah! What kind of flowers were they Onii-chan?" Sachiko asked along with Masuru eating their rice, I was able to reply to their questions because it was simple.

"Well Masaru, As a gardener, I water the flowers and snip them, and deliver them. But, it is not that hard of a job. Also, what are the kinds of flowers that I saw? Well, the flowers were majestic, like small tulips or the yellow petals of the yellow bell. There are dozens of flowers, being a gardener."

"Wow, there are dozens of them!" Sachiko was amazed, I nodded to her. While we were eating rice for the night, we finished eating our dinner, I helped Oka-san cleaning the table and the cleaning the bowels, and started to take Masaru and Sachiko to their futons and turned off their lights. (A/N: I think it is a typical form of bed). As I put them to bed, I felt tired so I wanted to go to bed for tomorrow. I went to my room, turned off the lights, went towards my futon, and rested for tomorrow morning.

As sunrise came as the dawn of luminosity came through every neighbor's windows, we all knew that morning was rising. While the sunlight came through my window, I yawned and started to stretch out my arms. I moved my blankets and got up from my futon, I started to stretch out some more to feel more relaxed for my body, after that, I have to get myself ready and go to my gardening job. As I was about to walk out of the Minka, I forgot to give Oka-san and siblings the flowers! So as I was about to leave, I put some red spider lilies in the vase. I know these flowers are not good in vases, but at least I tried to be more appreciative of my family. Welp, it's time to go, I don't want to be yelled at by my boss.

While walking away from the Minka to the Hanako's Garden, it is really not a long trail walk and stepping on little rocks, which I am not really bothered by. While walking on the, I saw my boss at Hanako's Garden.

"I hope he is not angry today for the customers not paying me as much." I thought to myself that what he always was like. As I approached him, he seems to be tense today, usually, he yells loudly and furious all the time, but this time it seems off. I wanted to ask him what was the matter, but I didn't because he might yell at me, so I ignored him and continued to do my job. Smell the flowers, water them, and snip them. All well, It seems to be a boring job, but you get used to it. As noon came, just as I was finished with the flowers, I put the flowers in a bamboo basket and went off. My boss was outside the garden. He told me to be more careful and watch out for any angels when I go home, which seems kind of ridiculous and absurd, but I followed his words. While I was walking on the trail to the village, I noticed something was wrong, yet I don't know what it was, but I continued walking. Now that I reached the village, I looked around and something was strange about it, there was no one outside and it was completely silent. However, the silence cut short as I heard a loud, piercing scream, I think it was coming from my Minka. I panically dashed to the Minka, as fast as I could.

"Please, Please, Oka-san! Masaru! Sachiko! Please be alright!" I said to myself while desperately panicking. As I got there, I quickly slid the door open and my heart dropped. All I saw was the massacred corpses of Oka-san, Masuru, and Sachiko. I tried to check their pulses, but they were dead. I noticed that Oka-san had her katana in her hands, was she trying to defend Masuru and Sachiko by someone? even if her life depended on it. As I was about to leave the Minka, I left out some yellow lilies from my bamboo basket, I replaced Oka-san's katana with yellow lilies in her hands along with my siblings, I will remember as a family Oka-san, Masuru, Sachiko, and Otou-san. As I walked away from the Minka, I ran somewhere that's far away from this village.

I am walking on the trail in the forest of Makiyama, it finally reaches midnight as the moon glows a white-light surrounding it. I am cold and alone, I have nowhere to stay because my family is dead. I need to find somewhere that I can stay and sleep for the night. I kept on walking with Oka-san's katana and the wooden bamboo-basket that is filled with flowers. While walking the trail, I felt that someone was watching me nearby. I felt cautious so I grabbed the katana to defend myself. I continued to walk the trail slowly, to try not to make any sound. I heard something coming towards me, it sounded like footsteps, I turned around with the katana and no one was there until I saw a white-humanoid figure with pink eyes and wearing a white kimono, the white humanoid-figure impaled me in the stomach behind me, I felt an aching pain in my stomach, I starting bleeding out profusely and collapsed onto the Makiyama trail.

"Is this how I am going to die, this is really it. All well, at least I will see my family again." I thought to myself, my vision was getting blurry, all I saw was a person fighting the figure and killing it after that, I passed out.

[Haiku: Need blood, but I need to be in control.]

I don't feel in control.

Something inside of me wants blood,

I need control of it.

I opened both of my eyes, I realized I was in some room that had dozens of beds along with health-equipment. I was trying to get up from the bed, as I was about to get up, I felt an aching pain in my stomach, it continued that I had curl-up in a ball so that the pain would stop aching. A woman came in the room and saw me in pain, she quickly ran next to me in my aid.

"It seems it wasn't enough." The woman said while I was in pain. She called her assistance to come to the room, they came in my aid. As I was back on the bed, the pain started fading away and becoming better, I started to be back on my feet. As I did that, A man in a red looking demon came into the room and looked at me in my direction, we both looked at each other awkwardly.

"So, what brings you here?" The Demon Masked Man asked.

"I-I was almost killed by a white-humanoid figure who had pink eyes," I replied while my voice sounded like cutting wood.

"Hmm, I see, I think that you're talking about an angel right?"

"An angel.." I replied in confusion what The Demon Masked Man meant until I realized I remembered my boss warning "Be careful Tsuki, there might be angels on that path." I was astonished that I was attacked by angels. Did my family get attacked by angels as well? I started shaking in panic and breakdown in tears. The Demon Masked Man started to walk towards me and try to calm me down.

"Kid, calm down. It is gonna be alright." He said in a calm tone, trying to make me calm down. "Kid, you can stay here for the night, until morning comes."

"O-okay," I replied while trying to wipe down my tears. He grabbed my hand gently like I was some young child, The Demon Masked Man and I walking in a hallway. The Demon Masked Man leads to a room, where there are seven futons along with my stuff. The Demon Masked Man let go of my hand and walked towards one of the futons.

"This is a futon to sleep in." The Demon Masked Man pointed at one of the futons and I looked at it, and it was just a normal futon.

"That's the futon I'm gonna sleep in?" I asked him, he nodded back at me, so I guess it was a yes I thought.

Morning came, bright as ever. I got up from the futon, I looked around the room that no one was there. I walked out of the room and bumped into someone in the hall. I looked to see Oka-san. She had the same kimono but she looked different, she had pale skin with completely hollowed, black eyes and was a bit taller than her regular height.

"Tsuki sweet-heart, would you please get your brother and sister?" She asked me in a melancholy tone from her regular voice, it gave me chills down my spine, I wanted to walk away from her, but I felt something grabbing me from behind. I turned around to see both Masaru and Sachiko with pale skin and black hollowed eyes. I felt like I was trapped between them.

"Hey!" I heard a voice was from the Demon Masked Man? I thought.

"Is he alright?" The Man Next beside the Demon Masked Man.

Tsuki opened his eyes, his eyes were red with white pupils, his expressions looked aggressive.

(A/N: After that, they died at the hands of Tsuki.)


(A/N: Sorry for it being short or rushed, but I hope you enjoyed it!)

(A/N: Also, I am sorry if there was no action in the story if I really wanted it. I just want to start the introduction to the end. I made this for fun and boredom)

(A/N: meh..)
